Monday, 21 May 2007

A nation of readers

Reading is a hobby which makes a regular appearance on resumes. These days it surfaces in one more place -profile section of one of the ubiquitous social networking sites.

Next time you visit one of these sites, take a look at the books that lads and ladies list as their 'favourite':

1. The omnipresent "The Da Vinci Code"

2. Everyone's favourite "Five Point Someone"

3. "One night at a Call Center"
(Chetan Bhagat sure seems to have done a lot for the reading habits of the youth of India!)

4. Oh wait, how can I forget "Angels & Demons"?
(I think Dan Brown should be accorded the same status as Chetan Bhagat)

Did I mention that these are the *only* books which make an appearance? Hmm, that's only four books and two authors... am I forgetting something?


Oh yeah! I forgot that for 21st century India, the only reading that's required is Dan Brown & Chetan Bhagat.

In other words, reading one of the above, doth a reader make!


Amit said...

kuch bhi post kya?! :P

i dunno what circles you move in that you find these books so often. i move in circles a bit more intellectual than that :D

who? said...

hey motu - this observation is thankfully not true for the people you or I know.

However, it is prevalent amongst quite a lot of folks out there.

try lookin' again next time on orkut, blogger profiles and whatever-else-exists-out-there - and make 'em random, not confined to the group you're used to (or only to the blogs on your blog-roll!) and then tell me!