here a blog,
there a blog,
everywhere a blog-blog...
blogs, blogs eveywhere
one more enters the ring....
Some common types of blogs:
1) Tech Blogs (Tech Talk) - A common variety. Used by the Web 2.0 geek who hops on the bandwagon for its ease and the air-time/platform it gives him. Interested in developing a reputation and building a brand, he posts the in-thing, his expert opinions, and blogs about the next kid-on-the-block in technosphere.
2) Journals & Reflections (Inside Out) - Intimate, pour your heart-out variety, these provide a catharsis and think-space to the writer. The comments and the counter-comments also make for an interesting (and even hilarious) by-play. Some are honest introspections (leaving you touched) and some are written for the galleries.
3) Sport a Blog:
a) Because it's in: Created 'in keeping with the times', out it goes as the new in-thing becomes the next best.
b) Life's Like That: Created in a moment of inspiration it languishes as life catches up with the author who updates it once in 6 months.
4) The Serious Writer: Opinions, thoughts, reviews, experiences, anything which strikes the fancy. Grammar and punctuation in place, some are gems while others are just air-time outposts.
5) Cross-Mix: Cross-mix of all the above (I have yet to see this)
6) The Uncategorized: Far be it for me to presume I can categorize it all. So everything else, falls under this!
So which category does this blog fall under?
That, only time can tell! :)
So what kind of blogs have you encountered?
1 comment:
pehla comment. :)
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