Friday, 1 June 2007


Top 5 (+1) Strange/Interesting Thoughts of the Week-That-Was

1. Something I've been thinking, "Do guys read MBs (Mills & Boons)?" And if yes, what do they think of it? (the four I asked, didn't. And two hadn't even heard of 'em!)

2. A co-worker to me, "You won't find a guy here in India. The kind of person you are - you need to be with a guy who's lived in West" - on marriage, relationships, love. In all fairness, the person meant well.

3. People who you think you know well *will* continue to surprise you. Same co-worker to me, "Granted you have your moments of childishness but you need someone who's an intellectual match and with whom you can talk. Else you'll get bored pretty soon".

4. After a disastrous meal or two at office cafetaria - Food at office is going to suck. Why, oh why, isn't this taught as a fact of life in schools?

5. Can a 60+ man really fall in love with a woman 30 years his junior? Rather, is it really possible for it to work out the other way round? (Disclaimer: I DID enjoy Cheeni Kam hugely!)

6. Realization - "Love at first sight" just does not seem possible to me.


Anonymous said...

2 and 3 probably true. 5: the heart has its reasons.
6: It's usually lust at first sight, but see 5.

who? said...

rwells: richard! 3 is probably true for everyone. 2 - I hope it's not! I anyway think I'm in for a looonng wait to meet my Prince Charming and that is just going to make it even longer! :D

5 n 6 - I'll prolly bow to your wisdom (Which has to be greater than mine definitely!) in these matters!